The Ormand House, a red shingle roof structure exhibits many details of the bygone roofing era of embossed tin shingles. In 2014 the owners selected us to preserve their stamped shingles with the latest coatings and techniques.
Over Ormand’s House history, owners have carefully maintained the original 1800s construction and its many additions, such as expansive porches. One modern sign: an indoor bathroom!
The present owners, Helen and George Hatch, have continued the tradition of caring for the past–doors, windows, shutters, porches and roofing. Helen emailed me that George…
“knows each shingle by name. He scrubbed each one with a wire brush, painted with some type of paint that stabilizes rusted surfaces, then covered it(each shingle) with roof red.”
Ormand House in 2012: historic red stamped shingles
At first glance the roof view appears well maintained compared to many this contractor has seen. Yet the owners had some specific concerns, such as:
…..1.incorporating some new metal shingles with the old tin ones, and
…..2.possible leaking developing
…..3.traditional color of a traditional red tint
The older stamped shingles portrayed the vintage style. Today, no company manufactures that exact profile; Berridge Mfg comes closest, as you will see further in this article.
For a variety of technical reasons, both my pro field manager and I agreed independently that the expense of an extra intermediate application of products that would include a water based acrylic formula would better serve the owners over a longer period of time. We also felt that a solvent based aliphatic urethane, specially tinted in traditional red, would help highlight the shingle design best.
Prep and primer stage
No photos exist of that stage due to long distance. Word did arrive that neighbors complimented the owners on their new shiny, silver roof!!
Old tin shingles and new metal version
For those individuals who are investigating using new shingles, mixed in with old ones, this project illustrates what you can expect. The new shingles are from Berridge.
Since the size and metal composition is different between old and modern, new shingles need to be inserted carefully. Keep any use separate from the old shingles. In this case, the use along the bottom row presented the fewest risks of future leaking. Also their placement just above the standing seam panels above the porch helps mute the design difference to the eye.
The traditional embossed tin homes, such as this red shingle roof, rarely leak. If leaking occurs, the reason is invariably related to the chimney and roof valleys–easy to repair. Many an owner has been persuaded to tear off an antique gem, like this one, because less than 2% area is causing a problem.
The asphalt shingle roofers, god bless them, have reduced the number of stamped tin roofs considerably.
At the end of this page(on large size screens), there are enlargements of old/new shingles for those deciding to blend or to keep or to discard.
Old and modern shingles
Old and modern shingles with ACRYLIC
Old and modern shingles with WEARCOAT
Repairs on red shingle roof
The earlier repair of a break in the roof where a chimney once existed is quite obvious. The work in 2014 blended the repair more adroitly. In addion, the crew performed fully reinforced work over a larger area of concern to the owners. Pin holes visible from inside bothered them.
My field manager can handle almost any leaking problem connected with metal roofing, therefore, he profiled extra mesh and material into the existing shingles. This step may not appear like a difficult step, but Lester Mobley is one of a handful of roofers on the east coast that can perform this level of work.
Three details rarely noticed by visitors
First detail: The owner opted to keep the bottom line of shingles as age has treated them. Some would describe the appearance as “wrinkled” or maybe “jagged”. Others see charm or character. If straight lines, like in new construction, are desired, that option also is available.
Second detail: The ornaments on the roof ridge is a sign of distinction. At the present time, the only source of this type of ornamentation is WF Norman, located somewhere in the midwest. This company still uses their old presses to make these items. The Ormand House ornamentation is from an unknown manufacture.
Third detail: The owner creatively incorporated the roof tint into the porch, shingle and door color scheme. Even the porch floor blends beautifully with the overall look.
Enlarged Photos
New shingles with acrylic
New shingles with Wearcoat
Porch details
A beauty in good care by its owners
Ormand House 2014