In Appomattox, there are only two embossed tin shingle roofs. Just a few miles away, the Civil War came to an end. To my surprise, the owners of this home were experts and devotees of another war–French and Indian War.
Looking at the photos below, you will note that time has caused some warping of the horizontal line of shingles. These age lines are quite common on expanses of tin shingles and usually not a problem.
The drip edge on the peak suggest little rusting on the shingles. The chimney area is remarkably secure.
The only real concern of the owners was the overhang of the roof allowed a draft and, in blowing rains, some dampness.
They told me they were one of two remaining embossed tin shingle home in town.
Because the couple expressed enthusiasm about their interest in this rarely-discussed American war, a visit with them is a treat.